Dogs: Puppy Dog (6,1).
1. Peach's, Kilbourne Usher. Settled well in the ring. at 6 months old he was very shapely, had a good front, bend of stifle and moved well. BP
2. Pink's, Greyhawks Romane Shero. Deep chest. Good bend of stifle. Level topline and moved well.
3. Rose's, Gentiehun Ayers Rock.
Junior Dog (10,6).
1. Ackland and Potter's, Tyark Where There's a Will at Gentiehun. Had a lovely dark eye, said "Look at me". Good spring of rib and front also his topline which he held on the move. His movement showed his enthusiasm as he was enjoying himself.
2. Codd's, Kilbourne Webster at Gazeawhile. Had good front, deep chest. Movement was hard to judge as the high cold wind affected him.
3. Ashton's, Stranwith Slate to Balgaled.
Yearling Dog (8,1).
1. Harrington and Finnett's, Hyndsight Tempest. Had a good front. A deep brisket and strong neck. Held his topline when on the move.
2. Peaches', Kilboune Warhol. Lovely outline. Good fornt and brisket. Feet well knuckled. When on the move flowed. Just lost out to the winner on overall movement.
3. Codd's, Kilbourne Webster at Gazeawhile.
Special Beginners Novice Dog (3,1).
1. Ashton's, Stranwith Alate to Balgaled. Expressive eye, lovely head. Good movement.
2. Dimock's, Canerikie Cool Customer. Needs to settle in the ring. Full of bounce. A lovely head. Hard to assess he was so full of himself.
Special Beginners Open Dog. (7).
1. Cheshire's, Kilbourne Nuin of Deeranwith. A dark rimmed eye. Good shoulders and front. Well knuckled feet. Strong trimmed nails. Harsh coat. Flowing movement.
2. Seymour Jackson's, Ghilton Hereo. Lovely young dog. Good head. Strong neck. Good spring of rib. Moved well.
3. Spring Arnold's, Sorisdale Macmanus.
Undergraduate Dog (11,3). 1. Cheshire's, Kilbourne Hennessy Junior of Deeranwith. A very strong dog. Good front and shoulder. Dark rimmed eye, held topline on the move.
2. Ackland and Potter's, Greyflax Raven. Was initially confused by the event but settled quickly. Strong front. Well placed shoulders. Deep chest. Good bend of stifle. Very friendly.
3. Seymour Jackson's, Nixophel Cinnabar of Glenhaigh.
Postgraduate Dog (8,1). 1. Meer's, Kilbourne Harvey at Lordswell. A happy dog enjoying himself. An expressive eye and neat ears, excellent condition of teeth. Well laid shoulders. Strong neck. Harsh coat, well groomed. Moved freely. BOB.
2. Wragg's, Neroche Irving. Has a striking handsome head, lovely eye. Strong neck, good spring of rib. Did not move as well as winner on the day.
3. Churchhill's, Lealla Lephin.
Limit Dog (8). 1. Churchill's, Lealla Liath. An old fashioned hound in top condition. Attractive head on strong neck. Dark eye. Harsh coat. Held topline well on the move.
2. Cartmell's, Cusidh Righ Inces Gall. A nice shaped dog. A good front. Very strong neck. Dark eye. Good coat. Did not move as well as winner. 3. McLoughlin's, Graizelaund Rock and Roll of Glenhaigh.
Open Dog (14,5).
1. Finnett and Heathcotes', Ch. Hyndsight Dark Sky. Took time to settle. Affected by the weather conditions. In super coat. Straight front. Good topline. Moved with purpose when he got going. RBD.
2. Spence and Heathcote's, Hyndsight Riddick. Dark eye. Good front. Neat ears. Mature dog. Movement less assured than winner.
3. Barret's, Ch. Stranwith Symphony.
Veteran Dog (3).
1. Girling's, Pyfleet Qwilliam. Strong well muscled, harsh coated fit dog. Keen and active running around the ring.
2. Meer's, Lealla Kinrossie of Lordswell. Well presented in excellent condition. Moved well.
3. Spence's, Rosslyn Magi among Shagiead.
Patricia Allwright
It was a pleasure to have so many lovely bitches for assessment. In the top two classes many very nice specimens had to leave without being placed.
Overall there were a few flat feet and I think we do have to watch hind movement.
Puppy Bitch. (6)
Davis’ Kilbourne Nimble. Beautiful balanced 6 month old. Very shapely. Correct head set on good neck. Nice sloping shoulders. Excellent topline. Deep brisket . Wide hips. Long from hip to hock with good bend of stifle. Tight feet and excellent substance throughout. BPIS.
Peach’s Kilbourne Unity. Elegant young bitch of 7 months. Very pleasing outline. Feminine head. Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulder and upper arm. Correct croup and low set tail. Good feet. Moved well .
Taylor and Peach. Kilbourne Morgan Le Fay To Taylorpeche
Junior Bitch. (5)
Peach’s Kilbourne Teliah Another very well balanced young bitch. Well proportioned head good length of neck.. Correct topline and fall away. Deep brisket, correct tuck up. Well boned legs with good bend of stifle and width of second thigh. Compact feet. Moved well.
Hawkins’ Kwaricott Charisma A very promising youngster. Shorter coupled than 1. Plenty of substance throughout. Good lay of shoulder and well angulated upper arm. Good spring of rib. Nice fall away and well set thick tail.
Robertson’s Chuilinn Magdalina.
Yearling Bitch. (9)
Peach’s Kilbourne Wendela Beautiful feminine youngster. Strong bone and substance throughout. Plenty of drive and forward reach on the move. Feminine head, strong neck of correct length. Good length of back with correct topline. Nice crisp coat.
Mansell&Duddell’s Canerikie Coco Clarissa. More rangy than one. Elegant in profile. Well off for bone. Strong legs, tight feet. Most beautiful of heads. Sloping shoulder and upper arm. Very good mover.
Finnett’s Hyndsight Curved Air.
Special Beginners Novice Bitch. (2)
Jordan’s Hoddingrey Beeswing. Good substance throughout. Ribs well sprung, sloping croup. Good bend of stifle and width of second thigh. Front angulation good. Front feet need to tighten.
Leadingham’s Bannetstane Esha Ness. Very pretty feminine head set on strong neck. Good depth of body but would like a bit more length. Movement needs to tighten. Good dark crisp coat.
Special Beginners Open Bitch. (8)
Stuart & Holt’s Pyefleet Skatha. A balanced bitch with a very pleasing outline. Looks as if she can do the job she was bred for. Good bone throughout. Well proportioned head. Strong neck. Good length of back with correct topline. Well angulated front and rear. Profile movement driven from the back with good extension in front.
Faircloth’s Beardswood Niamh at Calbraidh. Another well toned bitch. Very sound. Feminine head, strong neck. Excellent length form hip to hock and good width of second thigh.Good tight feet. Dark crisp coat.
Foy’s Glenfoyble Filliberry.
Under Graduate Bitch (10)
Lewis’s Greyhawkes Romanie Rakli To Luckhurst. A quality bitch in every aspect. Elegant outline. Sweeping strong hindquarters well let down hocks. Balanced by well angulated front. Lovely head and kind expression. Good length of back with sloping croup. Excellent spring of rib. Her movement covered the ground in profile and plenty of width behind. Good feet.
Mcintyre’s Bannetstane Rhuba Cadail. Very much the same stamp as my winner. She pushed hard for 1st place. She stood four square on compact feet. Very good lay of shoulder and well angulated rear end. Moved smoothly with power from the rear.
Post Graduate Bitch. (12)
Morton & Morgan’s Cotherstone Duchenne. A workman like bitch. Lots of substance throughout. Very shapely. Good depth of chest and well sprung ribs. Well angulated front and rear. Tight feet. Really showed herself on the move. Harsh dark coat.
Very similar to my winner. Very substantial throughout. Good front and rear, well balanced. Good length of back. Excellent on the move. Looked like she could do a day’s work on the hill.
Barrat’s Stranwith Ariadne.
Limit Bitch. (8)
Adams’ Ardneish Pantalaimon. A most beautiful feminine bitch of great quality. One of the best heads of the day, very feminine. Perfectly balanced throughout. Dark eyes and small ears. Strong neck into well laid shoulders. Good deep brisket and spring of rib. Width across the hips was perfect giving strength to a very strong rear assembly. Crisp coat of correct length and texture. She moved with a flowing strong pace. B.I.S
Spence’s Hyndsight Ripley into Shagied. Femine head, dark eyes, and aquiline nose. Strong neck well angulated front. Shorter coupled than my winner. Well off for bone. Deep well sprung ribs. Dark crisp coat. Moved with drive.
Open Bitch. (13)
Taylor & Peach’s Brackenland Tan at Kilbourne. A very pleasing outline with flowing lines. Feminine classic head, set on strong neck. Good length of body with excellent front angulation balanced by well formed hind quarters, wide at the hips with great length down to the low set hocks. Good spring of rib with good depth. Shown in excellent condition and very well handled. A pleasure to watch such good sound movement. RBIS.
Finnett & Heathcote’s Ch. Hyndsight Into The Mystic. Very shapely outline feminine classic head and soft expression. Strong neck of correct length. Deep body with good spring of rib and length of back. Nice bend of stifle and width of second thigh. Dark crisp coat. Very sound on the move. Would have liked tighter front feet.
Platt’s Charbonnel Fliss
Veteran Bitch. (3)
Cartmell’s Ch. Drawing Down The Moon To Cusidh. Beautiful balanced dark coated bitch. In excellent condition. One I have admired from a youngster. Very feminine head, dark eyes and sweet expression. Well proportioned body, deep chest well sprung. Sloping croup and well let down hocks. Wide strong second thigh. Good compact feet and sloping pasterns. Good thick well coated tail. Moved effortlessly.
Faircloth’s Beardwood Niamh at Calbraidh.
Lucas’s Sorisdale Mackechnie for Packway
Joyce Bond
What a super show, I've never seen so many Deerhounds at any show. This 2 day show was held in one of the best dog friendly hotels that I've been to. My thanks to the officers and committee for their hospitality, also to Robin and Hean Spencer for the excellent running of the show.
THE ROTHERWOOD STAKES 1. Rosslyn Pippa of Breardswood. From one famous kennel to another. She has the most adorable head, good eye. Lovely neck and shoulder. Super front and feet. Loved her outline. Moved well. 2. Kilbourne Teliah. Smart youngster. Beautiful head. Good front, correct topline with strong loin. Moved well. Just needs to mature. 3. Kwaricott Asclepius.
RACING AND COURSING 1. Ch. Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood. Impressive male. He is a strong dog of excellent size. oved his overall balance. Excellent hindquarters. Looked great on the move. 2. Ch. Kwaricott Archimago. Finer hound all through, but he commands attention. Good head and eye. Elegant neck. Moved very well. 3. Kwaricott Askleptus
BRACE 1. Baileys, well matched pair. Like peas in a pod. Moved with grace and charm. 2. Cheshires, well made hounds. So much alike. 3. O'Brien and Quinn's.
TEAM 1. Parson and McKinnon's, very typy and all hound. Moved very sound. 2. Peach's, once again all the same type. Moved very well. 3. Finnett and Heathcote's.
BREEDERS 1. Peach's, Just what one would expect from this world famous kennel. 2. Hawkins', Nic group of shoulder. I wish them all the best. 3. Pinks'.
NOT BRED BY EXHIB 1. Kilbourne Nuin of Deeranwith. An excellent hound. Super head. Strong neck set on perfect shoulders. His topline in correct. Good deep brisket. Very sound mover. 2. Hoddingrey Strahanna of Ehlaradawn. Very good head. Good neck. Super front and feet. Correct length of back. In excellent coat and condition. Moved well. 3. Ch. Greyfriards Gillie of Beardswood.
BRED BY EXHIB 1. Ch. Greyflax Crystal. All I can say is "stunning" this is my idea of a Deerhound. Super head, the most beautiful expression. Presented in first class condition. She is so elegant. I know I gave her RCC from Junior but I haven't seen her since. Well done to win this hot class. 2. Ghiltan Hero. Never seen of heard of this boy. He is a handsome male of correct size. He really impressed me with his lovely movement. 3. Matahari Mermaid.
ADULT HANDLING 1. Vanessa Lucas. Thank you for being such a good sport.
Charles Keith Thornton